Slow down… and listen to the inner calling that you feel when you are still. What is it saying?
Humanity is at a turning point and each of us is being stimulated to make a major change toward the ripening of our true Self. At some level we know this and feel the urge to focus on the disciplines that can help us engage with both our joy and our responsibilities more consciously.
Motivated by the need for change in your own life, family, town, state or country at this time in history, attune to the work that will reconnect you with what is real and true right now. It is time to break free from old patterns of escaping, under earning, over giving, over working, and accepting a lesser version of your life than you came here to experience and express.
Saturn is the Lord of karma and responsibility. It is also the Lord of opportunity because when we meet our responsibilities, we find the perfect opportunities to grow and fulfill our potential. Learn about the impact of Saturn in your Astrology chart and gain a clearer vision of the particular path of work and the opportunities that are correct for you.
Evolution is growth that uplifts and benefits all life. It requires change, adaptability, resilience and courage. Clues to accessing your strength and will power can be found through Astrology guiding you toward that which you were always meant to be.
Please allow me to assist you in the ripening of your true Self. Call for a Reading today.
Yours in the Light,