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Mercury Retrograde, Oh no!

Ginny Ross

Today Mercury, the planet of mind and communication, moon walks backward, or retrogrades all the way until April 15, tax day. Take care to avoid misunderstandings by double checking the facts and reviewing your schedule. Not the best time to sign contracts or make promises, but excellent for balancing your check book or spring cleaning. You may find your passions waning as you are forced to make financial adjustments that weren’t foreseen.

Intimate relationships may hit some bumps in the next few days so be clear with your intentions and words, which could easily be misconstrued. Being impulsive or critical could cost you dearly when it comes to making up for your reactiveness, so take a breath and consider your words, especially at delicate moments. Notice how checking frustrations could provide a reset, a chance for a better outcome than you may have anticipated.

One of the best uses of the current energies is self-reflection. Observe what ticks you off. Notice when something is confusing, it may not just be you. Recognize when you are hiding feelings of sadness and give them a voice so that they can be released and have a cry if you need to. It will all be okay in the long run. I promise.

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